Residence Requirements

UCLA Registrar's Office

UC tuition is different for resident and nonresident students, and determining residence follows a specific process. Certain students may claim an exemption from nonresident tuition.

UC Residence Guidelines

Guidelines concerning residence for tuition purposes are published by the UC Office of General Counsel

Residence Determination

Residence status for tuition purposes is determined only after the student has been admitted to UCLA

Classification as a Resident

Continuing nonresident UCLA students seeking resident status may petition for a classification change

Nonresident Supplemental Tuition Exemptions

Some nonresident students may qualify for an exemption (including AB540) to nonresident supplemental tuition

Statement of Legal Residence

All incoming students must complete a Statement of Legal Residence

Appeal a Nonresident Classification

Students recently denied resident status may appeal to the UC Office of General Counsel

Residence Contacts

Contact the UCLA residence deputy and the UC Office of General Counsel residency analyst