Tuition Waiver/Tuition Reduction Policies

Issue Date: August 1994; revised, July 2010; revised July 2011; revised August 2013; revised May 2014; revised March 2017; revised May 2018; revised February 2020; revised June 2020; revised February 2023

Policy Number: 34

Policy Applies To: All Benefits-Eligible Employees and Eligible Vendor Employees.

This policy is applicable to all centers and programs in the University and applies to tuition for NSU academic courses, University School, Baudhuin Preschool, and Camp Nova.

The tuition waiver benefit is available to all eligible employees who have successfully completed six months continuous employment before the end of the waiver submission period. The tuition reduction benefit is available to qualifying family members of eligible employees who have successfully completed six months of continuous employment and to certain vendor employees, defined below, who are contracted through the Business Services or Facilities Management Department and have successfully completed six months of continuous service to NSU as employed by outside NSU vendor. All fees -- including but not limited to application, registration, student services, and late fees -- are the sole responsibility of the student. Note: For employees hired before July 1, 2010, application and registration fees will be waived until June 30, 2020 for semesters open for registration.

General information regarding the tax consequences of receiving a tuition benefit is discussed in the section Taxation, below. It is recommended that employees consult with their tax advisor regarding their particular situation.

Sibling discounts may be available at University School, Baudhuin Preschool, and Camp Nova as part of the center’s published tuition schedule. These discounts are available to the community at large, and therefore are not a provision of the NSU’s Tuition Waiver Policy. The conditions of the sibling discount must be met within the individual center making the discount offer, and cannot be met by aggregating siblings who are students or participants of another center or program. For example, a family with one child attending Baudhuin Preschool and two children attending University School would not meet the conditions of the sibling discount available at University School, and therefore would not be offered a discount.

Non-degree seeking Student

A Non-degree seeking Student is anyone taking a class or program who is not enrolled as a degree-seeking or certificate-seeking student.

Degree-seeking Student

A Degree-seeking Student is anyone taking a class or program who is enrolled as a degree-seeking or certificate-seeking student.


All benefits-eligible faculty and non-faculty employees (including part-time employees regularly working in excess of 19.2 hours a week) are eligible to receive a tuition waiver after successfully completing six months of continuous employment from his or her date of hire. An employee is not eligible for a tuition waiver during a leave of absence, except for the purpose of an approved practicum leave that is required for degree completion or authorized furlough. If a furloughed employee occupies a position that at the end of the furlough period is eliminated, the waiver will remain in effect until the end of the currently enrolled semester.

Family Members

For the purpose of this policy, “Family Members” are defined as an employee’s spouse, domestic partner, and dependent child(ren) under 24 years of age (see Taxation section for details). Employees must complete an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership to certify domestic partnership. Family Members are eligible to receive a tuition reduction after the employee’s successful completion of six months of continuous employment from his or her date of hire. A child of two eligible NSU employees is entitled to receive only one tuition reduction per class or program. The definition of “Family Member” is applicable to University School, Baudhuin Preschool, and Camp Nova programs.

Vendor Employees

For the purpose of this policy, “Vendor Employees” are defined as persons employed by certain service providers independently contracted through the Office of Business Services or Facilities Management and regularly working in excess of 19.2 hours a week. Vendor eligibility in the NSU Tuition Reduction program shall be limited to onsite service contractors as solely determined by the Office of Business Services and the Office of Facilities Management. To verify eligibility for a tuition reduction under this policy, individuals should check with the contracting department and the Office of Human Resources. Family members of Vendor Employees are not eligible for the Tuition Reduction program.

Policy Application

Dean/Center Head Approval

An employee’s first priority is the successful completion of his or her job responsibilities. Accordingly, permission to attend classes during an employee’s regularly scheduled working hours is at his or her supervisor’s discretion, subject to the operational needs of the work center or department and must be approved by the supervisor or dean/center head, according to college/center procedure. The supervisor or dean/center head may deny a tuition waiver request if attending classes during regularly scheduled working hours may interfere with the employee’s work performance or department/center operations.

Overall Good Academic Standing Requirement

Employees who are enrolled as degree-seeking or certificate-seeking students must maintain “overall good academic standing” status as defined by their academic program, or they will lose their eligibility for the tuition waiver benefit. Employees will remain ineligible for the tuition waiver benefit until overall good academic standing status is regained. If eligibility is lost, the cost of all class work required to regain overall good academic standing status will be the responsibility of the employee. Once overall good academic standing status is regained, eligibility for the tuition waiver benefit will be restored.

Other Requirements

Employees taking classes paid for by tuition waiver have the same financial and academic responsibilities as non-tuition waiver students. Employees using a tuition waiver may attend classes as space is available, no classes or clusters will be created solely for employees using a tuition waiver.

Employees hired after June 30, 2010 may receive a tuition waiver for a maximum of two classes per semester. After June 30, 2020, all employees, regardless of hire date, may receive a tuition waiver for a maximum of two classes per semester.

Online Tuition Waiver/Reduction Form Completion

The Tuition Waiver/Reduction Form is available online in the WebSTAR Information System, accessible through the Sharklink portal (, locate and click on the following menu items: WebSTAR > Employee > Tuition Waiver > Tuition Waiver/Reduction Form.

Tuition Waiver/Reduction Form Due Date

The online Tuition Waiver/Reduction Form may be submitted after course registration and no later than two weeks after the published start date of the class.

Financial Aid

Employees who are Florida residents and studying full-time at the undergraduate level also are required to apply for the Florida Effective Access to Student Education Grant (EASE). This process does not apply to employees who will use the tuition waiver benefit for the Baudhuin Preschool or University School.

Upon receipt of the Tuition Waiver form, the Enrollment and Student Services scholarship area will make the necessary adjustments to the financial aid award of an eligible employee to ensure that the tuition waiver is considered as a resource for financial aid purposes.

The monetary value of the tuition waiver benefit, in combination with other financial aid assistance designated toward tuition and fees shall not exceed the total cost of tuition and fees.

Tuition Waiver Benefit Amounts

The above definitions and tuition waiver policy are applicable to the following: