Superfund: Remedial Design / Remedial Action

Remedial design (RD) is the phase in Superfund site cleanup where the technical specifications for cleanup remedies and technologies are designed. Remedial action (RA) follows the remedial design phase. It involves the actual construction or implementation phase of Superfund site cleanup. The RD/RA is based on the specifications described in the Record of Decision (ROD). All new fund-financed remedies are reviewed by EPA’s National Risk-Based Priority Panel.

To access the documents listed on this page, please use the document search tool below. Searching by document title or Superfund terms will generate a table of relevant results.

Note: Not all documents may be available at this time. EPA continues to update its website to enhance public access to Superfund-related information.

Remedial Design and Remedial Action

Remedial design (RD) is the phase in Superfund site cleanup where the technical specifications for cleanup remedies and technologies are designed. Remedial action (RA) follows the remedial design phase. It involves the actual construction or implementation phase of Superfund site cleanup. The RD/RA is based on the specifications described in the Record of Decision (ROD).

Remedial Design/Remedial Action Handbook

This handbook provides remedial project managers (RPMs) with an overview of the RD and RA processes. The handbook is designed for RPMs new to RD/RA projects as well as RPMs with significant RD/RA experience. It should be most useful at federal-lead sites where the Superfund Trust Fund is financing the RD or RA. The management principles outlined in the handbook, however, apply generally to all sites. The handbook focuses on how RPMs can use project management principles to implement selected remedies in accordance with a site’s ROD. It is not a conventional engineering manual. It is a general reference document for issues that come up during the RD/RA process.

Value Engineering

Value engineering (VE) is a specialized cost-control technique. It uses a systematic and creative approach to identify and reduce unjustifiably high project costs without sacrificing reliability or efficiency.

Build America, Buy America Act

For information related to Build America, Buy America Act applicability see:

Health & Safety

The complexity of site cleanup activities and coordination among the many parties involved can make it challenging to administer a health and safety program. To implement an effective, well-coordinated program, all participants must be made aware of each party’s health and safety roles and responsibilities.

Additional Resources